The Premio de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor is a renowned prize in the field of architecture in the Iberian Peninsula. One more year we had the opportunity to light up the awards ceremony. The VII edition was held last 4 December in the headquarters of Enor in Vigo.
A composition of 8 lamps from our Coral collection were set on the stage. In the hall, a group of 5 of these lighting designs helped to create an atmosphere of warm welcome and encounter for the professionals who attended the gala.

During the event, we had the opportunity to listen to the awarded architects, who described the characteristics of their works. This year, the Gran Premio Ascensores Enor was granted to Luis Moreno Mansilla and Emilio Tuñón (Mansilla y Tuñón Arquitectos), for the Museo de las Colecciones Reales (Madrid). The jury valued the impact of the architecture on the memory of the city, by achieving a coexistence between the contemporary and the historical and patrimonial environment. They also highlighted the wise hybrid character of the work, which can be seen as a museum and an infrastructure.
Can Jordi i n’Àfrica (Montuïri, Illes Balears), by the architects Irene Pérez and Jaume Mayol –Ted’A arquitectes– won the Premio Arquitectura Joven (Young Architecture Award). The jury spotlighted the expressiveness of the work, reached through the depth of the materials and their memories.

The Premio de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor is biennial and its goal is to acknowledge the most important architectural works in the Iberian Peninsula. Each call registers a high number of projects, which are evaluated by a prestigious jury, this year formed by Jesús Irisarri (president of the jury), Carlos Quintáns (secretary), José María Sánchez García (Gran Premio Enor 2014), Bet Capdeferro, Santiago de Molina and Cristina Guedes.
The event included the presentation of this edition’s book, a large volume with detailed information about the awarded, finalist and selected works. The publication contains also a critic essay written by Santiago de Molina titled: “More than 200 projects, a museum and a house as excuses to discuss contemporary architecture”.

We would like to congratulate the company Ascensores Enor for developing this initiative, characterized by its independence and excellence, which contributes to spread knowledge of the best architecture made in Spain and Portugal. We would like to express our appreciation and admiration for the awarded and finalist projects, an example of quality and commitment to architecture.